Do it yourself, but not alone

Talent development

All individual members (we call them Widdies) trace their own trajectory and goals. Our creative biotope is a solid home base and a safe environment to experiment freely, without the pressure of time limits, themes and targets. But as we say: do it yourself, but not alone! Everyone’s talent development is supported by all the knowledge, experience and connections that are present within the community. We’re with (around) 50 people, after all.

The Biotope

Our biotope acts as a permanent artistic residency for the individual members, as opposed to being tied to projects to use a workspace. Since 2016, we inhabit our home base at Teilingerstraat 120 in the ZOHO quarter in Rotterdam. It’s not just a space, it’s a network, a living room, an ecosystem, hence: the biotope.

New methods

By sharing our experiences in the art world, we found that we agree that things need to change. As a new art institute, we develop alternative organizational systems through trial and error. For example, instead of a top-down hierarchy, we work with sociocracy and adapt it to artists’ needs. Each individual member is part of a committee that takes care of the daily organization of the collective. We also develop a new method for paying creators for the value they bring to a project, both as an artist and as a committee member. Read more about our philosophies here.


We invite audiences to become part of the creative process in all stages. Our events, big and small, are all about experimenting and sharing. Read more about it on the events page.


There’s still a lot of progress to be made in the art world. Fair pay, a safe work environment, gentrification, creative license… As a platform we are vocal, give advice and share our methods.


1. How do I become a member?

We work with an estafette a.k.a. relay system: every current member can introduce one new member. There are three criteria the member should meet: 1) has to live in Rotterdam, 2) makes work that interests you, 3) would fit in the community, be an active member and understand our values.

2. I still don't understand how it works

Well, what we’re doing is quite unique, so it’s understandable you can’t wrap your head around it immediately. We struggle with that too, sometimes ! This is what we know for sure about all the practical stuff:

  • Most of our members are individual artists and some work in collectives. Each Widdie is part of the TimeWindow collective.
  • There are 14 seperate studios and a basement. Most members own a shared studio. We also have a communal space: Het Binnenplein. Some members don’t rent a studio, but they have a membership.
  • Every member takes part in the daily organization of the collective. They are part of a committee, help to organize events and take care of shared spaces. There are no leaders, everyone has the same amount of ownership.
3. But does it work?


4. Can I rent a space for a rehearsal (or photoshoot or workshop or yoga lessons or business meeting)?

Not tomorrow. It is possible to rent spaces from our studio owners for a limited time. There’s one dance studio and several rehearsal spaces. Please note that it’s difficult to rent a space on very short notice, since the owners only rent them out if they’re not using their space. Don’t know anyone personally? Contact us so we can forward you to the right people.

5. What language do you speak?

Most of our members are from The Netherlands, but we also have a lot of Widdies from all around the world who don’t speak Dutch (yet). Same goes for our audience. We choose to do all of our communication in English, so nobody feels left out. Sometimes some Dunglish may stick up its head, yes.

Our events are mostly in English, sometimes in Dutch. In practice we just organically switch between both. Always check the event info to make sure.

6. Can I rent a space tomorrow morning?

See question 4. But probably, no.

7. Do you guys receive funding?

Yes! We are included in Cultuurplan 2021-2024 of the city of Rotterdam. We receive structural funding for events, facilitating the talent development of individual members and professionalizing as a collective. However, we do not receive any funding for renting the space. Because we’re a big collective, we can afford it ourselves.

8. What does the name stand for?

Once upon a time, in an empty office building not far away… TimeWindow started out as a festival. The idea: every artist makes the festival. No curators, no managers. There were no limitations to what the artists could show, except for a time frame ranging from 5 minutes to three days. And it was a window of opportunity. A time window. You see?


Made possible by the city of Rotterdam

Next to some incidental support from various funds, we are included in Cultuurplan 2021-2024 as a talent development institute. With this structural funding, we can keep the biotope alive and change the system from within. For the Dutch art world, we are a unique concept that puts artists and their needs in the forefront. Through our activities we hope to spread this spirit. First in Rotterdam, then the rest of the world.



Teilingerstraat 120

3032 AW Rotterdam

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Stichting TimeWindow

General information | Algemene gegevens

Statutaire naam: Stichting TimeWindow

Adres: Beukelsdijk 110a, 3022 DK Rotterdam

Bezoekadres: Teilingerstraat 120, 3032 AW Rotterdam

RSIN: 866137889

KvK: 92679676

Goals | Doelstelling

De stichting heeft tot doel:

  • 1. het empoweren / versterken van een groep individuele performance makers, door middel van een community; en
  • 2. het verder uitbouwen van het duurzame en toekomstgerichte samenwerkingsmodel waarin inclusie en medezeggenschap geborgd is.

Het doel van de stichting als gemeenschap is het versterken en empoweren van Rotterdamse kunstenaars die geworteld zijn in de podiumkunsten en aanverwante disciplines. De doelstellingen van de stichting liggen op materieel, inhoudelijk en maatschappelijk vlak. Deze wil de stichting als gemeenschap, samen en via het ontwikkelen van collectieve strategieën - zoals ruimte delen, experimenteren en kennis delen, belangen behartigen - bereiken en bijdragen aan een vitaal makers klimaat in de stad Rotterdam. De stichting is een duurzaam alternatief voor de competitieve logica die in de culturele sector de overhand heeft.

Board | Bestuur:

  • Elene Walgenbach, voorzitter
  • Judith Schoneveld, secretaris
  • Lennard Toma, penningmeester
  • Laura Deschepper, lid

Het bestuur is onbezoldigd.

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